
Сообщения за март, 2018

MOBEETEL Worldwide Virtual Mobile Operator

Hello All, In this post I will introduce about Mobee project and for more details let's just go to the following discussion: The MoBee project offers an MBE Token that will be fully supported by mobile services, which are based on rapid capitalization to increase the number of key customers as well as the demand for mobile services in general. The main objective of the MoBee project is to create a mobile international mobile virtual carrier using its own crypto currency for payment. Initially, customers will receive mobile services in lieu of crypto currency. The MoBee project uses a unique scheme, in which the ecosystem of the project is divided into 3 parts: the MoBee Virtual Operator itself, the NetWorx Platform and the MoneyBox DiStream. - NetWorx Platform  It is a platform used to create a line of communication and the Internet used by virtual MoBee operators to be distributed to their customers. MoBee NetWorx's ecosystem platform is re...


When is time to speak about new technologies regarding storage solutions, all eyes could very well center on the work currently developed by the people working for Casper API? The developing team working for them is creating the first-ever decentralized storage application managed by smart contracts. The company is using P2P features available on the Blockchain Technology to gain access to a series of invisible servers built on shared networks where every single piece of data uploaded by the user will be available by simply requesting it. To make the platform work Casper API relies on a series of process to make sure that the data is safeguarded and available at all moments. Some of them are described as it follows: Backup Save This feature is used by the system to create multiple copies of the stored data in case they are required for emergencies. Since these files are usually larger on a scale, they are handled by vendors who provide extended storage spaces suc...

Highest Protocol Rate Framework

RepuX is a protocol-level framework by which various types of unchanged data can be communicated and exchanged between various corporate and individual users. Combines some of the leading decentralized technologies such as IPFS, Sia and Ethereal / EOS, along with enhanced possibilities to custom block-to-through through.By high and create value and transfer data directly between peers using protocols, RepuX allows the possibility of sharing data creation for individual and corporate users and aggregate data, which is not present on the market today. This direct and fast value transfer via REPUX token will allow creation of value for data creators, including individuals and thus eliminating the need for intermediaries and intermediaries in some industries. The purpose of the RepuX protocol is as follows: Develop a high throughput system where data can be monetized directly among collectors, developers and users; Build a secure reputation infrastructure in a Repu...

'Mining' and 'Digging': critical overview.

VIRTONOMICS global multiuser business simulator creates its proprietary cryptocurrency, VICoin (VIC), V and an ecosystem for earning the cryptocurrency in an online economic game emulating the formation and development of an alternative global virtual economy. The cryptocurrency is gained during the game in a realistic business simulation where users build and expand their virtual companies, trade and compete with each other, and develop the business ecosystem in the virtual economic environment. The resources and tools for generation and digging of the “fuel” are special game entities purchased for VIC tokens (such as virtual mines extracting natural resources, virtual mining farms, virtual power plants etc). The volumes of “fuel” production for Virts cryptocurrency depend on the success and competitive position of a player’s virtual business, and on the quality and amount of mining assets owned by the user. The user can convert each 100 Virts earned in the economic si...

FLOGmall - International eCommerce Site

FLOGmall is an e-commerce site designed specifically for global users, regardless of distance or location. FLOGmall allows its users to sell a wide range of products and services using the FLOGmall Scoreboard. As inside the Mall, users will be able to find different types of products and services provided by other users, but in a simpler way, for example, LiveStore. LiveStore is like a collection of video content, but LiveStore contains many articles and blogs about vendors, stores, products and services. FLOGmall will simplify and simplify your business operations.  The mission of the FLOGmall platform is to completely change the marketplace for goods and services, using extensive experience, in-depth knowledge, as well as the interest of the world's largest vendors and ordinary users. FLOGmall is a free multi-format bulletin board and online store platform that brings together sellers and buyers of products/services for tokens from around the world. Plat...


All IAMHERO servers provide the highest standards for privacy and security of all data, located in several distributed TÜV certified covert German data center locations. All server locations are powered by 100% certified eco-power using energy-saving climate systems, allowing for 45% reduction of energy costs with 2 separate and independent power supplies and diesel generators for backup to guarantee interruption-free power supply. I AM Hero is a service in which candidates access specific Job in accordance with our qualifications and where Entrepreneurs have access to highly qualified personnel for their specific needs in a new and refreshing way. The system uses high-performing AI (Artificial Intelligence) to match both sides and build connectivity between the two. Charges are subject to service use by both parties and additional contracting costs to the company for placement when matching and recruitment are completed; thus insuring constant income inflows for t...

DISCIPLINA Tесhnоlоgiеѕ

Privаtе lауеr Thе private ѕеgmеnt dоеѕ nоt аllоw any data except hаѕhеѕ tо ореn ассеѕѕ. Thiѕ iѕ dоnе tо ѕtоrе рrivаtе and реrѕоnаl uѕеr data, as wеll аѕ thоѕе mаtеriаlѕ thаt are рrоtесtеd bу соруright or commercial соnfidеntiаlitу. Publiс lауеr The рubliс segment рrоvidеѕ the ассеѕѕ to thе dаtа thаt verifies thе intеgritу оf thе private сhаinѕ and thе reliability of thе data ѕtоrеd by thе nеtwоrk. Eduсаtiоnаl inѕtitutiоnѕ An еduсаtiоnаl inѕtitutiоn iѕ any ѕtаtе or private online аnd оfflinе оrgаniѕаtiоn that соnduсtѕ аnу and аll еduсаtiоnаl activity. Privаtе tutors are аlѕо included. It саn even bе a ѕimрlе mаrkеtрlасе offering the sale оf ѕtudу mаtеriаlѕ. Every educational inѕtitutiоn hаѕ its рrivаtе сhаin аnd the opportunity to mоnеtiѕе educational records stored there. Witnеѕѕеѕ Check thе validity of thе segments within thе рrivаtе blockchains оf the еduсаtiоnаl inѕtitutiоnѕ. Thеу will mаnаgе рubliс сhаin оf blосkѕ, оn whiсh data сrеаtеd within еасh ѕсhоо...

ERT Ethearnal - Autonomous Decentralized Freelancing

What is Ethearnal? Ethearnal is a P2P freelance team, bringing together employers and freelancers, confidently entering into intelligent contracts with a reputation and money in deposits, and if necessary taking advantage of a decentralised system of moderators. We face reputation and economic initiatives in one, symbolizing and valuing reputation. Everywhere, including the moderators, there are strong and aligned initiatives to act honestly, as everyone has something of value at stake and something to gain if the ultimate goal is achieved. How does it work? As a freelancer, you can do jobs at a specific price, look for job opportunities, or wait to be employed on an hourly basis. As an employer, you will be able to consult the advertisements, hire staff on an hourly basis or publish your contract and wait for it to be received. As soon as it coincides with another person, a clever agreement is entered into on the basis of a contract, in which each party underta...


Tidak banyak teknologi yang menarik perhatian sebanyak blockchain. Memanggil untuk menjadi katalis bagi revolusi industri keempat, perusahaan bereksperimen dengan teknologi, menciptakan resep baru di bawah ticker "blockchain". Saat ini, perusahaan dan pengusaha memiliki beberapa kesulitan dalam menerapkan dan mengembangkan aplikasi pemblokiran mereka sendiri, yang menyebabkan penahanan teknologi digital di perusahaan sektor riil, jika dapat diterapkan di sana. Lab Morpheus menciptakan platform bisnis semacam itu. Platform Blockchain-as-a-Service (BPaaS) dengan pasar aplikasi blok siap pakai. Investor telah menginvestasikan ratusan juta dolar di industri blockbchain, namun industri inovatif muda selalu membawa risiko tinggi. Penyelenggara tidak memiliki cukup banyak kondisi laboratorium untuk eksperimen dalam kondisi berisiko rendah dan dalam apa yang disebut perintah "aman untuk gagal". Inovasi memadukan kreativitas dan realisasinya. Sebelum ...
FLUX - DECENTRALIZED GLOBAL GAMING ECOSYSTEM The platform for monetizing any game for every player and any developer with blockchain technologies. WHAT IS FLUX? FLUX is a unique global gaming platform that brings together all parts of the gaming industry ecosystem where players, developers, merchants and game communities can change their time and needs by using FLUX token coin gaming. It's also a platform for competitive games, gaming markets, online broadcasting (streaming) and platforms for in-game in-game items MARK REVIEW Game The gaming industry is one of the biggest and promising markets on the planet. The biggest misconception is simply involving the gaming part but there is more to it than this. GAME INDUSTRY NOW The gaming industry is essentially the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. Based on this latest research has about 2.3 billion active players now with an average of $ 108.9 billion in annual revenue.  Tra...

SKYFchain - Outstanding Features Of Unmanned Cargo Robot

Unlike many ICO project nowadays , SKYFchain is one of few project that was active fews year ago , they can produce drone , use them for carrying a useful load of 400kg/880lb and can fly up to 350km/220miles. Long flight time, heavy carrying capacity, and ease of production separate SKYF from any other commercial drone on the market. Only SKYF combines a gas engine for lift and smaller electric propellers for control. Two large (2.8m) propellers connect to an internal combustion engine to provide powerful lift and long fly time. No other drone on the market comes close to this performance . Not only awsome product , they also have many big clients from various country like Syngenta - a large global agribusiness which markets seeds and crop protection products (pesticides) . Pony Express - THE LARGEST UNIVERSAL LOGISTICS OPERATOR IN THE CIS . There are 60 express centers and 128 representative offices in Russia, as well as representative offices in 8 countries, su...