FLOGmall - International eCommerce Site

FLOGmall is an e-commerce site designed specifically for global users, regardless of distance or location. FLOGmall allows its users to sell a wide range of products and services using the FLOGmall Scoreboard. As inside the Mall, users will be able to find different types of products and services provided by other users, but in a simpler way, for example, LiveStore. LiveStore is like a collection of video content, but LiveStore contains many articles and blogs about vendors, stores, products and services. FLOGmall will simplify and simplify your business operations.

 The mission of the FLOGmall platform is to completely change the marketplace for goods and services, using extensive experience, in-depth knowledge, as well as the interest of the world's largest vendors and ordinary users. FLOGmall is a free multi-format bulletin board and online store platform that brings together sellers and buyers of products/services for tokens from around the world.

Platform Features

  1. Presentation of the store in video format. The buyer to see how it resembles the store staff working in the office, or in the production process, greatly increases customer loyalty to the company that offers the product or service. To do this, simply record a video, or perhaps make a live broadcast. This is especially good when in real time the buyer watches the workflow happen.
  2. A video greeting from the business owner to his potential buyers. This is an excellent opportunity to locate the audience immediately, which increases the chances of selling your product among one billion users.
  3. Separate video dedicated to each of the products. After all, it's no secret that about 60% of all purchases are made after watching the video (video review, advertising, etc.). This will allow you to present your product in all its splendour and to distinguish it qualitatively between analogues.
  4. Own video blog, where you can cover all the most interesting events in the life of the company, or congratulate your fans on vacations and significant accomplishments. This will turn your customers into loyal fans and customers.
  5. Live broadcasts during which you can make immediate sales, such as auctions, sales, etc. In recent years, many stores are starting to use video sales and this format will get more and more spins in the future.
  6. Video advertising. There will be an opportunity within the platform to promote your online store services through video advertising. And the downloaded video will cost the vendor's logo (watermark), which allows you to reduce the risk of your content re-running.

Main Advantages of the Project

For customers:
Exchange of tokens for consumer goods and services.
Access to goods and services worldwide.
A unique video platform with live stores.
I pay for any altcoyin.
Honest information for each seller
Cashback and token discounts
Secure shopping using a smart contract.

For salesmen:
Access to buyers from all over the world.
Savings in commissions on payment systems.
Own a live store on the finished platform.
Quick start of sales
Extensive promotional opportunities through bloggers.
Free area with minimum rates for additional services.
Access to a new and growing audience of highly solvent tokenists.
Equal opportunities for all types of vendors at the initial placement stage in the FLOGmall resource.

For ICO participants:
Possible benefits after starting the project with ATES (Automatic Token Exchange Service).
Scheduled Mallcoin counter output in popular encryption exchanges.
Risk coverage.
Benefit up to 80% on site services.

For holders and miners, cryptographic currency:
The ability to buy and sell products/services for more than 1800altcoys (including those purchased by other ICOs).
Stimulate the growth of most altcoins by exchanging goods/services for tokens.

For merchants:
Formation of the capitalization of the card before entering into cryptographic exchange exchanges. We created a conditional entry point greater than zero. Stimulate the growth of exchange rate in bags due to the need for tokens on the site.
Market price of the rate of tokens.

For enthusiasts:
Through the exchange of general consumer goods and services for cryptomoney, common users create additional interest in this market, which still buys goods and services for trust money. Formation of a new category of users who will use cryptographic currency mainly for the exchange of goods and services.
Attract attention to the industry. Encryption of penetration in society.
A paradigm shift in thinking: from phiatic to crypto-currency.
The rejection of fiduciary money in favour of the endless liquidity of the encrypted currency.

1. Access to customers worldwide
FLOGmall will remove international barriers. Our site is not limited to the local audience of a particular country or city. We combine the headlines of cryptoassets all over the world.
Depending on the characteristics of the logistics (when selling goods) or the service provided, the vendor selects independently the geography of the work and the language of communication with customers.
FLOGmall makes it literally possible to declare your business to the whole world!
2. Savings in commissions for payment systems
At FLOGmall, transactions are conducted directly between the customer and the seller, allowing you to avoid taxed payment services and the transfer fee remains minimal.
In the optimization of the tax administration, the seller takes care of himself.
All transactions in FLOGmall are exchanges, which from a legal point of view are not subject to tax in most jurisdictions.
3. Own live store on the finished platform
Today's mobile device capabilities, powerful integrated video cameras and overall Internet availability worldwide open up revolutionary opportunities for presenting your own products and services through video.
4. Quick start of sales
Serving retailers, an effective and affordable tool for international trade, with a ready interface and loyal customers, ample opportunities for the uniqueness of your own online store.
The vendor doesn't need to create complex and expensive IT solutions alone, as FLOGmall already has everything you need to work.
5. Promotion through bloggers
One of FLOGmall's priorities is to build a community of blogs around itself, interacting with the client audience. The seller can request an overview of their blogger's products or services, receiving live feedback and a massive influx of loyal customers into their business.
6. Free site with minimum charges for additional services
The FLOGmall output is free of charge. Additional payment is made only for related services, after the seller has verified in practice the feasibility of our site for your business.
7. A range of additional services for professionals.
The seller has the opportunity to purchase additional services on a fee basis for mallcoin chips. Advertisements/stores with applied service packages receive priority in the rotation of the site search.
8. Access to a new and evolving market for cryptographers with a very solvent audience.
The exchange of goods and services in tokens will open wide access to the audience of customers who own them. And since the use of tokens is mainly related to trade and mining, there will always be a guaranteed number of customers who want to buy goods and services at FLOGmall.
Token economy
FLOGmall provides an open source cryptographic token - Mallcoin. Mallcoin - cryptocurrency, which can be used on the FLOGmall platform. This token will be applied as a payment unit for all FLOGmall system operations and as a basis for interacting with other digital services.
Mallcoin is a limited-edition token. It is not exposed to long-term inflation. Mallcoin tokens are similar and translatable. It is planned to market tokens in crypto-currency bags.
The main and most interesting innovation of FLOGmall for users is the integrated automated token exchange service (ATES) from Mallcoin.
This is a simple and transparent system with an internal symbolic price, as well as a clear algorithm for selling tokens between sellers and customers of the site.
Another added advantage of ATES is the option to purchase Mallcoin tokens directly on the site, without the need to use multiple cryptoexchanges.
Since ATES is intended primarily for token holders who purchase tokens in the pre-sale, pre-ICO and ICO stages, let's take a look at the algorithm of its operation.
It is planned to issue 250 000 000 Mallcoin tokens (MLC). Attention must be paid to distribution actions, as well as the sales stages of tokens, in order to understand how our economic model develops:

  • 10% Equipment
    Founding partners, team, advisors and those who support the project in its initial stage.
  • 9% Reserve fund
    Maintaining the continued work of the platform. Dissemination of the platform in the international market. Promotion of new clients to develop the project.
  • 7% Rewards and bonus system
    Rewards campaigns, bonuses for ICO participants, lotteries and charity
  • 74% of participants in the ICO
    Symbolic sale to ICO participants at all stages.
Conditions of distribution and token blocking
  • 1 Tokens of FLOGmall equipment will be blocked for 2 years with 4 6-month periods each time use is limited for this period.
Tokens of advisors and those who support the project in the initial phase will be blocked for 6 months.
  • 2 Tokens of Bounty Program participants will be blocked for 3 months.
2 500 000 MLC tokens will be earmarked for the support of the Royal Charitable Project. help for the period of 8 years and for helping children in need.
These tokens are blocked for the entire period and will gradually thaw out.
Every month 1% of the entire token fund, except for the last 96 months when all other tokens will be thawed.
  • 3 Reserve fund tokens will be partially blocked.
20% of the tokens in the reserve pool are unlocked and will be used to maintain the uninterrupted work of the FLOGmall platform.
80% of the reserve fund tokens will be delivered from May 2019 for 2 years to attract new users to the international market.
The other tokens are not exposed to freezing.
No provision is made for the creation, issue of token or extraction of token after the end of the ICO period.
Tokens are allowed to pass after the end of the ICO period.
If the minimum goal is not achieved, all income will be returned to the participants.
The ICO will be terminated immediately as soon as all the tokens assigned to ICO participants at each stage are sold.
We will move on to training the Mallcoin rate in the sales stages and financial information on the benefits for participants:

Based on the above, we can say with confidence that this project is unique for token holders. In order to confirm our words, we prepare a summary of existing projects and indicate the advantages that the FLOGmall project offers to users.

Website: https://flogmall.com/
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/FLOGmall/
Medium: https://medium.com/@flogmall
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/flogmall_en/
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2772079.msg28339948#msg28339948
Telegram: https://t.me/flogmall_en
Twitter: https://twitter.com/flogmall
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJgZMTBOsxVF1VpgTTh0D3w

By Arsenyo


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