$ 1,000,000 $ to share


The problem of counterfeiting has been relevant all the time, but has now reached a truly global scale. The problem is not only the forgery of branded things, although it is also prosecuted by law, the situation is much more complicated - counterfeiting of medicines is perpetrated every day by thousands of people not only in Africa and South-East Asia, but throughout the world. According to the existing statistics, at the moment every third package containing the medicine is counterfeit and can either aggravate the situation or simply turn out to be a pacifier worth a lot of money.
According to some estimates, the counterfeit market is simply huge, and at the moment it totals almost $500 billion, and this is according to relatively modest estimates. Also, the big problem is unlicensed software, bringing losses to about $60 billion, as well as pirated content in general, whose turnover is difficult to calculate.
StopTheFakes offers a solution that has long been required by society to make it safer and more stable. The developers managed to create a truly global system where producers and users can interact productively. Consumers can record cases when smuggling and various forgeries are noticed, not only helping the market get better and cleaner, but also getting a reward for it.

StopTheFakes system works in the following way:
• each fact of fixing violations will not stay unnoticed or lost due to the use of blockchain technologies. Also, the preservation of files is guaranteed in their invariance;
• smart contracts that run on the basis of the Etherium provide guaranteed compensation to each user who was able to record the act of violation;
• the system releases its own STF tokens, which ensure the stability of StopTheFakes and make transactions in the system not only as fast as possible, but as profitable as possible;
• the interface of StopTheFakes platform is simple and convenient, and will also be understandable even for an unskilled user.
For a copyright holder who seeks to protect their intellectual property, it is simple enough to go to the StopTheFakes site and leave a request in a simple form that will be immediately sent to users ready to immediately begin the task. The task has no expiration date and is valid as long as users continue to find the facts of counterfeits until the perpetrators are punished by law.

Market and Industry
Throughout the centuries, humankind has invented technologies and streamlining
processes to obtain more products with less efforts and resources. History can be
divided into periods from one industrial revolution to another. A breakthrough
occurred in the 21st century. The development of science and technology helped
reduce expenses to the minimum. Companies started spending more money on
advertisement than on production, and the century itself became known as the Age
of Information.
Counterfeiting and infringements
of intellectual property rights
Marketers estimate that companies will spend $547,370 billion on advertising
goods and services in 2017. These expenses are not cost-efficient, though.
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
(OECD), counterfeits worth $461 billion will be sold in the world, and this is only a
low estimate. Havocscope, a project specialized in the study of the black market,
reports that the volume of counterfeit medicines alone amounts to some $200
Some experts evaluate the upper threshold of
losses at $1.7 trillion.
The sale of counterfeit products, copyright
infringement and illicit use of commercial brand
names is the primary source of income for
organized crime. These activities generate
income that exceeds that from drug and human
trafficking, prostitution, and illegal gambling
These figures are a rough estimate, and obtaining more accurate and reliable data is
impossible. This is since most trafficking in fake products and pirated content
occurs on the black market and is controlled by organized crime.
The big problem is that a considerable part of counterfeits is sold at reduced prices.
Holders of intellectual property rights not only lose part of the turnover but are also
affected by price competition on the part of the violators.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development details the
geographical distribution of losses from infringements of intellectual property
rights (% of total counterfeit sales by country) as follows:
Specialists at the OECD estimate that up to 2.5% of all goods carried by water, air,
railway and automobile transport are fakes.
These figures go up to 5% in EU
countries. Click to view the full report of the OECD on counterfeiting.
The Cryptocurrency Market
In 2017, the most successful (as of today) cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, reached several
times its all-time highs in fiat currency exchange rate. An explosive-like growth in
popularity of ‘virtual money’ resulted in the de-facto recognition of this trend’s
viability in financial technologies by government bodies and public institutions.
Initially, cryptocurrencies were the prerogative of geeks, developers, and
enthusiasts, which lead to the spread of numerous myths. To discard these
misconceptions and deal with reliable, scientifically proven figures, all data on the
cryptocurrency market presented in this document are taken from The Global
Cryptocurrency Benchmarking Study, a research study by Dr. Garrick Hileman and
Michel Rauchs, published by the Cambridge University in April 2017. VISA helped
these researchers in their work. Data from other sources is indicated separately.
Currently, the number of active cryptocurrency wallet users varies from 2,900,000
to 5,800,000 people all over the world. They own 5,800,000 to 11,500,000 wallets.
Bitcoin was the first decentralized cryptocurrency operating since January 2009. It
was followed by Namecoin, launched two years later, in April 2011. Now, thousands
of various cryptocurrencies are in existence, but only a small fraction of them are
actively traded on exchanges and exchanged for fiat currency.
As of March 2017, the total cryptocurrency market capitalization surpassed $25
billion. With some $18 billion, Bitcoin captures the lion’s share of this market. A
dramatic growth followed, and the market grew five-fold in less than six months.
According to the data from, as of September 16, 2017 the
figures stand as follows:
The total cryptocurrency market
$ 124 924 940 718
Bitcoin cash
Cryptocurrencies as a means of payment
Since we intend to use tokens as a means of remuneration for customers to pay for
the doer’s services, we will now examine this aspect of using them.
The key advantages of cryptocurrencies over fiat currencies as a means of
payment are the following:
1.Payments can be made 24/7, 365 days a year.
2.Considerably less time is required to make a transaction.
3.There are no legal or geographical barriers to transactions.
4.Low cost of transactions, an absence of extra commission fees or
The factors mentioned above make most payments in cryptocurrencies
transnational. Up to 46% of all transactions vary from $100 to $1,000, and 34% of
transactions exceed these amounts.
A problem to be fixed
This is exactly a kind of system that we will create. It will help industries minimize
copyright protection and anti-counterfeiting expenditures, followed by growth in
sales proceeds and higher profits for right holders. –
Philosophy and Working
The service aims to track illegally used logos, trademarks and brand names and to
detect fake products and other infringements of intellectual property rights.
The service is not confined within territorial boundaries and is accessible to users
from any country.
Terms used
A Requestor is any person or entity interested in tracking counterfeit products
and/or violations of his/her copyright and intellectual rights acting for his/her
own benefit or for the benefit of a third party. The Requestor submits a Request,
verifies the following alerts and bases his/her decision on them.
A Doer is a person searching for information about violations of the Requestor’s
rights by third parties. The Doer sends the Requestor alerts related to violations
from his/her or her mobile device or PC and is remunerated for this service.
Reviewing refers to a careful examination of requests submitted by Requestors for
the searchof counterfeits or other infringements of intellectual property rights. This
procedure also refers to the preliminary examination of Alerts comingfromDoers.
STFCoin Token is the only meаns of payment in the service that is used by
Requestors to pay for the services of Dоers.
It is envisaged that the Token may be converted to any other fiat or cryptocurrency.
It will also allow Requestors to get access to Big Data and analyses based on it.
Tokens are not investment tools and are created only for payment purposes within
the service. Right holders who purchased Tokens during Pre-Sale/Token Sale and
used them to pay for our services will enjoy extradiscount.
How it works
We would like to clarify some of the unintuitive points featured in the figure above
as they are critical for understanding the project's structure and inner workings.
The system configures HS, a hash amount of the files received from the Doer in the
Alert, which records not only their quantity, but also their size and the name of each
file for additional recording and comparison purposes.
In addition, the Doer’s Module configures a block to be sent to Blockchain, which
contains information from the Alert, namely:
1.Date and time of recording;
2.Date and time of sending;
3.GPS coordinates of infringement;
4.Doer’s ID;
5.Request’s ID;
6.HS entry and more.
An app for popular mobile platforms and a browser extension are being developed
for the project. Our team is developing it, but when the ICO is over, we plan to get
other developers involvedin the projectthus expandingour team.
There are plans to launch new versions on a regular basis. Updates will be
downloaded and installed automatically.
After the service’s main features have become fully functional, the next stage will
focus on expanding its possibilities and increasing the number of the available
functions. With a huge database constantly growing in real time, we will gather
statistics, analyze the information received, and carrу out scientific and
marketing research.
Information that does not contain personal data and data protected by intellectual
property rights will be sold to third parties. The latest Big Data processing
technologies open up great prospects for the service. Not only rights holders, but
also retailers will be able to benefit from the processing of a huge amount of
personal, geographic and marketing data. It makes sense to create a new brand
fully compliant with consumers’ demands if a large number of counterfeits of a
specific type of merchandise is found in a specified region.
Hosting and Cloud technologies
We operate with Azure, a secure and failure-resistant platform that allows us to
scale the project as it grows. Most of the technologies that we use (for instance,
SQL Server) are also owned by Microsoft, which is why there can be no doubt
that our system’s hosting, cloud storage, cloud services, and other components
are fully compatible with each other.
The server
The server is configured using ASP.NET CORE, the most user-friendly cross-
platform framework on the market. We are developing our own microservice
architecture designed to support high loads. We give preference to C#, an object-
orientedprogramminglanguage ideally suitedto writing the code for server solutions in accordance with the selected framework, which also results in reducing
the time to write the server portion of the site.
The legal status of the STF token
Token buyers are not investors and the token is not an investment.
StopTheFakes token is an application (utility) token.
Purchasing tokens means purchasing the license to access the software and data.
Token sales are pursuant to the terms of the offer.
The token’s circulation is unlimited. Token owners are authorized to sell tokens to
third parties or purchase them.
The token is not a security or investment according to the Howey Test:
The token is purchased for money or its equivalent.
Organizers of a token sale are a group of people merged into one
The Token does not correspond to the third clause of the Howey Test (i.e.
‘With a reasonable expectation of profits derived solely or
predominantly fromthe efforts of others’), because:
Divident payments are neither made nor intended to be made to token
The token is not a bond, and the issuer does not make any
interest, coupon, or other payments to token holders.
Efforts should be made to commercialize tokens (use software or
perform certain actions inside the platform.
The first version of the software will be ready by the start of the token
Means of exchange
Users will be able to freely buy or sell tokens for fiat or cryptocurrency both on the
service and on the stock market. Circulation of tokens is not limited. Currently, we
are negotiating with the leading cryptocurrency exchanges to include our token in
the listing. We will be present only at the reliable and trustworthy venues. More
information on trading tokens on the stock market will be provided in due course.
We will have fulfilled one million Alerts in less than a year after the launch of our
service - and that’s оnly by conservative estimates. As can be seen from the
research mentioned in the above studies, the market volume is huge but lacks
efficient and cheap solutions. This is why our product will take on this market in no
time. And not just take on it but make considerable changes to the rules of the
Frankly speaking, the war against piracy and counterfeiting is not waged at all. The
existing system has gone to the outer limits of its effectiveness, and improving it
further will require huge investments.
Criminals have almost won the war: they go into mass production, pollute the
environment and get billions of profits from the fruits of other people’s labor.
We refuse to put up with this situation, and we believe we have found a way out; a
simple but very efficient way of fighting against violations of intellectual property
rights. A decentralized system that will reduce the cost of violation detection to the
The development of our service is already underway: we are programming
software, negotiating with leading experts, cryptocurrency stock markets, top
lawyers and intergovernmental organizations.
We believe in our success, because
our idea, when realized, will change the world for the better. And this is going to
happen; it’s just a matter of time. Take part in our project, and you will speed up the
process and write your name in the history!
For more information visit the link below!!!

By Arsenyo


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