By the end of this article every single reader will be well aware about what basically is Tihosay .The main purpose of writing this article is to provide convenience for the readers who are eager to educate themselves about every single detail of Tihosay.
Tihosay is an ERC Compliant token that is structured on Ethereum Ecosystem and so it provides numerous advantages. In this particular context some of the technical terms will be highlighted and explained in detail including Cardstock exchange,ICO requests, trusted merchant credits,Affiliate,Inheritence,ICO Details, team and roadmap.
Introduction and background of Tihosay:
A team of intelligent and techno expert individuals came together to brainstorm the current issue of crypto currency not being the most used digital money technology .And so after putting a lot of efforts into it they finally launched its ultimate solution in the form of “TIHOSAY” in March 2017.The main idea behind this project was to solve the biggest query of all. And that is despite the fact that crypto currency is so much faster, efficient and innovative than the previous money transactions and that it provides convenience in every way either it’s about transfer or exchange still it’s not used by a larger part of our population till date. TIHOSAY not only offers the efficient use of cryptocurrency but surprisingly it make it much more easier ,reliable, faster and cheaper for great access and frequent usage. Launching a technology does not ensure the success of a project but adding convenience for customers is what puts life in the project and that’s exactly what TIHOSAY does.
Innovation of blockchain and further development of cryptocurrencies has evident results bringing revolutionary changes in the digital market and so TIHOSAY aims to further to develop a sense of trust in investors or parties planning to exchange their money assets through cryptocurrencies. BUY TIHOSAY
Tihosay exchange community, Transfer with trust:
Now due to dynamic development in technology most of the times it is utilized by the users in a productive way but safety and security is always a question mark in some cases. Tihosay exchange programme offers safe trade for merchants promising them trust and accuracy no matter how long the distance is and how big the deal is not only this but it also provides secured asset inheritance from forefathers to their upcoming generations promising them financial stability and sustainability. With passing time and from stonage to this era many miraculous technological developments took place and so they have to be adapted in a form of a new change for a better and brighter future no doubt cryptocurrency is that change but TIHOSAY is what makes this change adaptable, acceptable and running. BUY TIHOSAY
TIHOSAY Exchange and Visa Debit card, Easy Exchange Better Trade:
Tihosay has its own customized visa debit cards that works in it’s own exchange market this way the merchants channels efficiently with assurance of secure transference and exchange of cryptocurrency .They are offered an exchange policy which enables them to exchange their digital assets without any commission through providing free daily exchange right entirely because of TIHOSAY EXCHANGE. Tihosay liquid pool is a feature of this programme that makes sure that transactions are taking place very smoothly and quickly without any technical glitch making the customer satisfied about its speed and quality of service. As this programme is about safe and efficient transfer and exchange so it is obvious that it includes more than one party and it allows and invites active participation in Affiliate system.50% of fees obtained from buying and selling process is taken from new user who registers with a specially created address. Not only this but this debit card has got some extra perks with it .here are a few of them:
.It manages exchange cardstock trading and card limits within one wallet only making it simple and not complexed.
.User have efficient and quick access to it globally .No matter where they are geographical location is never the barrier for them.
.Tendency to operate daily spending and cash withdrawal limits.
.Card usage expenses are zero either monthly or annually,
.Free shipping is a huge advantage because in most of the cases shipping costs more than the transaction itself so it is definitely less costly.
.24/7 support by VISA.
. Negligible commission fee.
.Safe and secure storage of data through smart contacts and good PR.
Get familiar with ICO:
ICO stands for initial coin offering .its a significant part of tihosay as it does the main work enabling the asset reach its desired destination with safety.here are some of its main functions.

-Maximum purchase per person is unlimited.
-All the sale tokens left un-purchased will be burned.
Important instructions includes compatibility of the token with wallets such as MyEtherwallet, Metamask etc. is must! Only ethereum ecosystem majorly functions in Tihosay and so only ethereum is accepted. Addresses validity is very important as safety and security comes first so the user should make sure that they have complete control and hold of their respective addresses. BUY TIHOSAY

ICO Fund Distribution:

Around the globe all good start-ups, well known organizations and successful enterprises always disclose their finance or sales and marketing details so that the customers /users or new comers even the researchers have a firm idea about what exactly is happening ?how does it plan to move forward and where do I see it in near future .So in this case too every proportion with important details is presented and explained in a way that a consumer mind will have absolutely zero doubts about it . It will be an ideal situation to see from commencement to breaking records growing bigger and better every single day. BUY TIHOSAY

Website: https://tihosay.io/
Whitepaper: https://tihosay.io/assets/blockchain/layer/Tihosay-WP.pdf
ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3101782.0
Bounty Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3101808.0
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tihosayio/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tihosay
Telegram: https://t.me/tihosayio
By Arsenyo
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