StreamSpace aims to introduce a novel distribution platform and an ecosystem community that will give consumers an opportunity to enjoy quality film content unavailable from conventional distribution channels, with a secure monetization engine that places more than 90% of payments directly into the hands of the filmmakers. Furthermore, StreamSpace intends to launch a novel financing service that will help filmmakers raise the funds they need to create and produce film projects.
Blockchain and decentralization: how does it work at StreamSpace?
Decentralization is a very innovative and interesting service that is in beta testing phase. Let’s put in a background. Five years ago bitcoin was born, a revolutionary idea centered on a totally new concept, the chain of blocks or blockchain. There are not many who follow the progress of this cryptocurrency, but those who do see how the authentically revolutionary is not the currency itself but the blockchain technology. This element has already been recognized by important people in the technological world, as one of the great advances in the creation of the Internet. Well, I’m not going to talk about bitcoin or the chain of blocks, these concepts are somewhat complicated and require separate entries where we will address the issue. One of the easiest ways to explain the operation of blockchain is through a financial transaction, simulating a transfer from source.

There are nine key components to the StreamSpace platform:
  • Secure storage method of the video content, based in part on Protocol Labs’ IPFS. StreamSpace holds a provisional patent on its method for secure storage
  • Blockchain transaction ledger for enhanced transparency and security
  • Front-end decoder and embedded HTML5 player optimized for video streaming, initially on PCs, followed by the most popular consumer video consumption clients: Apple iPhone, Android smartphones, and so on.
  • Content recommendation engine that helps consumers discover new content that fits their tastes, based on viewing habits and reviews / ratings. Our goal is to lift the restrictions which currently inhibit discoverability by consumers .
  • Secure digital wallet so consumers and filmmakers can manage their accounts and stored assets with confidence. A unique digital wallet format will allow the account value to be held in StreamShare tokens (SSH) and will support transferring to fiat or other digital currencies.
  • Private token exchange that monitors the market value of SPC and SSH tokens, enables the financial transactions between consumers and filmmakers.
  • Community-focused front end for filmmakers to upload their products to StreamSpace’s environment, set prices, and analyze statistics about the popularity or reviews of their content .
  • Social media channels that link filmmakers to each other and to their audiences.

Planned Level and Use of Funds
The maximum distribution will be the sale of 40% of the total number of issued tokens, or 400 million SSH out of 1 billion total tokens . StreamSpace is aware of the potential securities laws associated with this type of fundraising mechanism, and is making every effort with our legal counsel to comply.

StreamSpace Technology

Digital Wallet & Smart Contracts
Digital wallet Ethereum i.e. Ethereum Virtual machine (EVM) which can carry out intelligent contract sent to run on network Ethereum. Self-enforcing contracts and cannot be manipulated or censored, which can make the programmer to automate various processes that traditionally requires the supervision of the Board. This could generate advantages in terms of security and transparency of the transaction along with transaction history.
Binary-Chain Blockchain Protocol
StreamSpace uses two separate systems with different coins Staking of mining or rewards, one for each of the two main processes are conducted throughout the blockchain. The most visible process involves the processing of transactions related to purchase or rent content: download video stream processing and transfer payments related to the experience of watching each.
The second, less visible process, involves maintaining a distributed storage streaming video content, with rewards based on the amount of storage allocated, the length of time that are supported, and the popularity of the content
Quality of Streaming Video Content
StreamSpace uses Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), which ensures high quality streams over the internet. The original video file is split up into many smaller video file segments of many bitrates and resolution.
Crowdfunding Service for New Films
Sale token expressly designed to support funding for production of the new film or video projects; more information about some of these projects are provided at the competition. StreamSpace will improve the experience in conducting its own plus the ICO contacts that are created in the entire film industry and blockchain to identify the pool of potential investors StreamSpace with white paper.
Content Player and DRM
StreamSpace provides a downloadable App in general internet browser, but with an initial focus on the PC running the major browsers, it also will be able to download on your smartphone and SVOD clients connected to the HDTV. For the initial release, StreamSpace akanmenggunakan browser based player that is optimized for Microsoft Windows and Apple’s OS. StreamSpace will develop and deploy mobile applications on Android and iOS, and StreamSpace will target some major Internet TV client systems, including Google’s SVOD Chromecast, Microsoft Xbox, Roku, Apple TV, Amazon TV api, etc. to allow consumers to add channels to your home screen StreamSpace Viewer.
StreamSpace Recommendation Engine
StreamSpace recommendation engine based on the three core elements:
1. customer preference matrix. The consumer will group into the group based on their preferences for different types of film. The map of main drivers will cluster of machine recommendations, since people with similar tastes as possible to feel the same way about one particular set of movies.
2. customer preference of cluster-cluster attributes the film matrix. This matrix indicates the value assigned to the crossroads cluster preferences such as the user and Cluster attributes such as film.
3. attributes of the movie the matrix. The film will be rated based on the key attribute cluster, so that similar films will be recommended to people who assess one type of film is higher than in the other.


ICO PRESALE END : 15.01.2018
MAIN ICO SALE : 15.01.2018–27.002.2018



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